Protect your loved ones and assets in Dubai with a DIFC  Will

A Will registered with the Dubai International Financial Centre Wills & Probate Registry provides non-Muslims with certainty over the distribution of their Dubai assets without the application of the Sharia Law. However, when considering whether a DIFC Will is the best fit for your needs, it is worth noting that a DIFC Will only covers property (both personal and most notably, real estate) located in the Emirates of Dubai, the DIFC Will offers a number of benefits.

  • no estate tax levied on Dubai assets distributed under the WPR Rules;

  • can be limited to guardianship provisions or can include provisions relating to assets and guardianship;

  • covers real property, avoiding distribution in accordance with Sharia principles;

  • documents only need to be drafted in English, eliminating translation fees; and

  • signatures at the Dubai Notary not required.

Wills registered with Dubai Courts of course remain valid and the option of registering a Will with Dubai Courts still remains for non-Muslims. However, owners of substantial assets such as real properties may consider it worthwhile to register a Will with the WPR, even if they already have a Dubai Courts Will, for this reason outlined above.

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